Obama’s Military See – Saw!
Tweets @KANWALanalyst
Barack Obama address to the nation on 10th September 2013, Tuesday
night, from the East Room of the White House, made waves to the world on the
pattern of a military see-saw swing! The poetic ballads of President’s speech
sung on the beat of 15 minutes clarinet, was nonetheless a dose of sedation
given to military men and at same time giving a message to American people – “Thank you, God bless you, and God bless the United States
of America.”
Obama’s main purpose of the nation’s
address was not to be a world’s hero, but he aimed to save his descending
popularity among Americans! Few minutes before the President’s speech - Ari Fleischer: Former White House Press
Secretary tweeted: “Tonight President
Obama will hit the reset button on his relationship with his own policies!”
The Pentagon park where grasses
have become more greener - due to its excess black and white water on the astroturf
– mocked a reality of an imported “military see - saw” swing from its allies
and Saudi clan! The balance of the swing
was none other than the Russian offer of
diplomacy solution.
Obama claimed on one side of the “see” that he is 100% with the
Americans – by answering to their questions in his speech in a firm, friendly
yet tactful manner - “I will not put
American boots on the ground in Syria .
I will not pursue an open-ended action like Iraq
or Afghanistan .
This would be a targeted strike to achieve a clear objective, deterring the use
of chemical weapons & degrading Assad’s capabilities!”
The other side of the “saw” was to establish more trust with
his military men and at the same time – pacify the families of the troops
involved in the potential Syrian military strike and to those who just welcomed
their men back from Iraq and
Afghanistan .
He stated in his speech, “The US military
doesn’t do pinpricks. Even a limited strike will send a message to Assad
that no other nation can deliver.”
Obama wants to send signals to Assad
– or any other dictator – “think twice
before using chemical weapons.”
In order to maintain cordial relations
with all the stakeholders of the White House, Obama went to the extent of
mentioning about “the left and the right” groups and sort to touch their hearts
through their vested interests. To my friends on the right “I ask you to reconcile your commitment to America ’s military might with
the failure to act when a cause is so plainly just.” To my friends on the
left “I ask you to reconcile your belief in freedom and dignity for all people with
those images of children writhing in pain.”
President Obama stated that the use of chemical
weapons is a “crime against humanity”
– and reflected on the events of World War 1 and World War 2 – till the day “On
21st August 2013, these basic rules were violated, along with our
sense of common humanity. No one
disputes that chemical weapons were used in Syria .”
Obama shared
with the world that he would be sending
Secretary of State John Kerry to meet his Russian counterpart on Thursday, and
while he would continue his own discussions with President Putin.
Conclusion: President Obama
ended on a note of retrospection, by quoting Franklin Roosevelt - 32nd
President of the United
States (1933-1945) who once said, “Our
national determination to keep free of foreign wars and foreign entanglements -
cannot prevent us from feeling deep concern when ideas and principles that we
have cherished are challenged!” Obama furthered it by stating that the
ideas and principles, as well as The United States national security is at
stake in Syria
– and that he has to seek to ensure that the worst weapons will never be used.
Obama ended his
poetic ballad, on a self - defense mechanism melody that “America is not
the world’s policeman. Terrible things happen across the globe, and it is
beyond our means to right every wrong.”
Ø Political Commentators
have predicted that the President will face a tough time in balancing the
see-saw of American military stance - if the diplomatic option as offered by Russia fails!
Ø All eyes are
focused on the Geneva
meeting between Kerry and Lavona – which is hoped to bring some viable solution
on the limelight! It is not easy as Obama has stated - to deter Assad’s
capability with “limited strikes” and also keep the dignity of citizens
on the upper scale by having “No American boots on the ground!”
Ø If I tune a song in honor of President’s Speech and
military stance – I will sing a Korean dialectic version of “Tera pyar pyar huqa bar, Tera war waar muka mar!” And
re mix it with Bob Dylan song of “Talkin’ World War 3
*Journalist / Political Analyst /
Blogger and Founder of Mishsal Welfare Trust