Climax of
Global Climate can be overstated – but the climax of peace talks coming on one page of agreement on sharia parameters
VS the Constitution of Pakistan cannot be understated.
On 6th September 2013,
all eyes were on All Parties Conference (APC), which turned more into
hallucinated Shakespeare melodrama of coming on one
page of APC conclusion – a well versed form of All Parties Chaos
(APC). It reflected on making “peace an evergreen” issue of debate and analysis
only and not being on the forefront of implementing any national security
Let us take a look on the other side
of the world in Geneva where “Friends of Syria” have become “Foes of Syria”. The
historic deal of Iran and US on 23rd November 2013 - marked a
beginning of new era for Iranians, but they were unaware of the latent
challenges of countries of P5 + 1. US dream to bring Geneva 2 on one page of transition government in Syria turned into stalled peace talks – making
Obama administration weary of Bashar Al Assad standing in the July 2014
elections as President once again.
The Nuclear bomb issue is seen by
Israel as a chance to revisit their “one page of
strategic alliance” on west bank challenges posed by
Palestinians Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign. Recognizing the
Gulf Union challenges, Israel has “reset the policy” with Iran and are more
keen to solve the complexities of Syrian war.
The Iranian deal is a mere
reflection of nuclear talks, when the real game is played on the chess table of
the demand of a “transition government without Assad” by the Syrian rebels as
per Geneva Communiqué. But, Bashar al Assad cannot be swayed easily –
therefore, Russia has stepped into the limelight of pushing Syrian opposition
allies on the ground of a political solution after Geneva talks being stalled.
Thus, expecting Obama to come on one page with
Bashar al Assad – is as challenging as asking our seven
committee members to remove the benign peace deadlock between Pakistan and
Rewinding our memories on the
9/11 World Trade Center debacle – one can clearly recall the issue of extremism
going at high rise when having a beard was considered a signal to Caucasians to
stay at a distance. Even after the decade of events, the suicide bombers theory
to devolve their being in blast to earn heaven – still remains a “one page mystery” to Pentagon policy
Recently, the revelations in
Pakistan about “paid suicide” bombers have left many think tanks to scratch
their own philosophy of suicide bomber “one page psyche” to “blow up others and earn heaven”.
Consequently, unaddressed issues of extremism have given rise to the paid
brains of the extremists to achieve a short cut to heaven.
When a blast does occurs, immediately
we see cameras focusing the ball bearings in the hands of forensic
investigators - while tickers of politicians condemning the blast run on the TV
screens. Next thing on the board is a ban on pillion bike riding. After few
hours of commotion, we forget the bombers and worshippers episode - to watch
the next “one page news” that “suicide
bombers” are for sale – and anyone can import them for their ulterior motives.
Next day, ban is lifted on
pillion riding – leaving question as to why were the innocent bike riders harassed
by traffic wardens, while the real culprits rolled the ball bearings and escaped
as “prisoners of unknown galore”. Such gross mockery of “dignity of man” is witnessed in every
corner of Pakistan, where Article 14 remains “null and void”. Thus, dignity
of man can now be exploited on “one page of
credible information” and confined behind bar in preventive
detention under reasonable assurance. The shoot at sight orders of suspected
perpetrators’, is a serious threat to the citizens rather than acting as
hindrance to terrorism itself. Thus, is there anyone who can rectify the Anti-Terrorism
Bills jeopardy in real sense to evolve the spirit of Protection of Pakistan?
If Pakistan shall accept any
conditions on its sovereignty then the “one page war”
shall infiltrate beyond all borders. Before this limit comes, it is best that
Pakistan gets inspired by its international friend US into adopting its theory
of bipartisanship policies at highest level and to find a common ground in
settling with the non-state actors.
To come on one
page solution is not an end,
but means to its end. It can be successful only if both sides of the parties
find a common ground which is the “need for a strong legislation”, which amends
the old British laws and acts according to the Islamic principles of trading
and living an authentic code of Muslim life. Let’s begin with eliciting the Article 31, Clause
1 and 2, in its real sense which incorporates the true essence of basic
concepts of Islam - and then off course “implementing” on the sharia principles.
Peace talks have minimal chances
of success, yet we can hope to follow the ongoing battle for Gulf Union on the helipad
of Syrian Conflict – which has taken a turnaround of keeping Bashar al Assad on
“one page with Russia and Iran”, which are
primarily at par by re setting their foreign policy with US. This has resulted
in the cold anger of Saudi Royalties’ – and to calm them Obama shall be
visiting them in March 2014.
This leaves Pakistan in great
jeopardy where it shakes hands with Saudi Arab, yet maintain its political
stance with Iran. The Foreign Ministry of Iran has threatened to send troops in
Pakistan if the government does not solve the issue of recent abduction of
Iranian border guards taken in Pakistan custody on February 6. The senators in
opposition have taken serious notice of the impact of recent Saudi delegation
visit to Pakistan and at the same time have questioned the “one page foreign policy” of the government
in tackling relations with Iran - while floating in the Saudi ship.
Thus, the future war to come on “one page of currency” of Gulf Union – might
challenge the euros’ euphoria, yet it shall still keep Britain fueling the
Syrian rebels. When the world powers are moving towards the Gulf Union – in
Pakistan, we are still discussing the issue of constitution to comply with
Our political leadership has
mocked APC to become All Parties Chaos, since September total confusion
prevails, thus government needs to keep Pakistan sovereignty on top priority.
Peace through political dialogue and humanitarian aid should be on the main “one page agenda” to address the immediate
needs of thousands of internally displaced people who require as much care as
Syrian refugees.
Military operations have never
brought justice to address the issues of extremism; instead history has proved
it results in the hazards of refugee crisis and more victims on the parameters
of collateral damage. Our parliamentarians should be addressing these issues on
a “one page war” footing,
rather than staging walkouts or stating policy statements under the air conditioned
assembly halls – where names of Allah are engraved on the Parliament House
dome. Tent cities need to be set up around areas of North Waziristan - without
losing time, as already the bombardment have started to add to the miseries of
innocent collateral victims.
The Durand Agreement in 1863, henceforth
witnessed many movements till now upon its territorial jurisdiction – thus to
take FATA as a problem of Pakistan will not solve any issue. What is needed is
to respect the sentiments of people of FATA on to “one
page of citizenship” of
Pakistan. Under Article 1, clause 2 (c),
it clearly states that FATA is part of Pakistan, thus to even debate upon the issue
of Citizenship Act related to people of tribal areas is a sheer waste of
legislative business.
The Parliamentarians should take
this peace opportunity to come on “one page of
legislation” by fixing the loopholes of Contract Act 1872,
Transfer of Property Act 1882, The Criminal Procedure Code 1898, The Court
Frees Act 1870 and many more acts which are waiting for due justice to them.
Consequently, sharia shall evolve
itself in every nucleus of the brain – once we all come on “one page of implementation” by human
constitutional conscience, along with political ownership to respect the
preamble of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Let the parliamentarians act now,
before 2014 ends - which is challenging every hour the sanctity of Pakistan’s
map. Henceforth, we as citizens should take pride in our country and be true
Muslims by heart - where five times prayer is not a burden on our schedule, but
a selfless enhancement of our soul to remain on “one
page of existence”!
The question of going to heaven
after life hereafter or living in hell today – lies in searching the answers
within our own parameters of existence.
- Karachi
Tweets @KANWALanalyst
The writer is a Political Analyst & Journalist
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